Complementary Access

All Treatment & User Guides are complementary

This platform is to help and assist those that have invested in their health to learn more about certain treatments
and use the available guides to help you get all the answers you need when operating the device.

Frequently asked questions

Can I analyze my family members?

This service is based on the registered member and therefore it is client specific.

What happens if I can't get an answer to my question here?

If you are still battling to get the hang of the devices or you cannot find an answer to your question, you are welcome to log a Support Ticket via 

Will the cancer return if I use ultrasound?

Cancer is formed with numerous contributing factors and once ultrasound only or ultrasound in combination with other treatments has destroyed the cancer and the contributing factors are addressed with the ultrasound, your cancer will not return provided that the contributing factors are not deteriorating to cause cancer again. In the analyses one can see and identify some of the contributing factors and track the risks continuously.
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