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Healing from the inside out with the latest advancements in medical technology

Let's take the next step towards revolutionary healing.

"We are in the business of changing people’s lives to live longer and healthier."

Dr. Raymond Venter

(346) 326 2866


129 Vision Park Blvd,

Suite 200






Achieve health:

Obtaining complete health is not a one-size-fits-all approach as it has to be individualized specific to your unique health status. In spite of your current lifestyle choices, we can aid you in obtaining complete health. A healthier body inevitably results in an altered lifestyle.
Step 1: Analysis
Analyze the status of all body functions to identify the real underlying problems you are facing and the risk of getting specific ailments.

Step 2: Therapy
A treatment strategy needs to address the real underlying problem (that has manifested itself as a symptom) without invading natural organ and gland function.

Step 3: Hydration
Water is a source of oxygen for better cell energy (as much as 30% more oxygen) to create better cell communication and organ functionality, resulting in a stronger immune system.

Step 4: Mental Programming
By now you probably know that your beliefs are created by your upbringing and either limit or enhance your natural ability. This mental programming replays contentiously to shape your perception to ultimately alter your health status.

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Well-Being Alliance Info - What's Included?

Analyzing Kit

The sound signature is recorded by holding a probe in your hand, collecting data for 60 seconds. It is sufficient for interpretation and is displayed in a comprehensive graph comprising of 250 elements. Each of the elements have an easy to understand description for non-medical minded people to understand the impact of the reading.

Health Risk Report

The online facility makes the easy-to-read risk report accessible to the layman. Risks are indicated in factors and percentages showing the profitability of a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer, auto immune disease, and more.

Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Healing Therapy

We use our proven “Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Healing Therapy” to kill off the cancer cells (if you're being treated for cancer) without harming the healthy ones.
We also use this technology to heal all the cells in your body.
The chances of your disease coming back are slim to none.
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Treatment Support

Your treatment consultant is there to help you through the ordering, setup, and usage of your system. They'll also be there for you when your treatment needs adjusting.
We also have a dedicated support team that assist with tech-related queries.

Spine Align

Aligning the spine is vital to comprehensive health, hence the reason why chiropractors are in high demand. Using the therapy balls, treating the nerve that controls the muscle to align the spine eliminates the need for chiropractor visits, and this therapy can be done daily if required.


The programming of the subconscious mind is created prior to age 7 with repetition of events that shape your beliefs. Thus beliefs are neurons that have created a neuropathway. This is open-eye treatment called neuroplasticity to create new neuropathways activating the power of the mind.
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